Data Insights

A decade after Fukushima, Japan still struggles with its energy future
Ten years after an earthquake and tsunami sparked a crisis in the east of Japan, the country’s electricity generation profile has shifted in favour of fossil fuels. Will its net-zero emissions goal change that?

Cybersecurity threats escalate in the energy sector
As electricity systems digitalise and transition to renewables, they become increasingly vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. Policymakers and utility operators are fighting an evermore sophisticated battle to keep the threat at bay.

Can Poland dismantle the EU Green Deal with legal challenges?
Warsaw has challenged key pillars of President von der Leyen’s climate policy with the EU’s high court, and looks set to challenge more. If successful, it could upend EU energy policy.

Can blue carbon unlock net zero?
Marine and coastal ecosystems are some of the world’s most effective carbon sinks, but when it comes to harnessing their powers of carbon removal, a false step could result in ecological catastrophe.

Offshore wind could supply 25% of US electricity by 2050 – study
Offshore wind could supply 10–25% of the US’s electricity demand by 2050, helping the country achieve a 95% clean electricity grid without substantially impacting wholesale electricity costs, according to a new report.

Governments should stop 'propping up' oil and gas – report
Rather than supporting the oil and gas industry with fiscal and regulatory measures, governments should be introducing measures to phase out fossil fuels, according to new research focused on the North Sea energy transition.

China's dirty district heating is getting cleaner
China's district heating and cooling system, the world's largest, is today mostly fuelled by coal. However, an ambitious five-year plan could make it the global leader in district heating and cooling from renewable sources.

EU industrial and recovery plans can boost climate action and competitiveness
EU Recovery Plan spending must align with longer-term industrial policies if Europe is to meet its climate goals and be competitive globally, argues Chris Carroll, programme manager at the European Corporate Leaders Group.

A recipe to turn renewable hydrogen into reality
Green hydrogen from renewable energy sources will be needed to help decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors, writes Aurélie Beauvais from SolarPower Europe.

Biden should push US carmakers even further on EVs
Transportation is the US’s largest source of planet-warming emissions. Biden should require that every new car sold in the US by 2035 is a zero-emission vehicle.

Texas energy crisis exposes grid weaknesses
In the wake of Texas’s crippling power outages, policymakers should focus on building a more resilient, interconnected and diverse power grid.

EU’s new sustainable trade strategy is a flop
The European Commission had an opportunity to put its money where its mouth is on making free trade compatible with climate goals – but the strategy unveiled this month is not a game changer.

UK government falters in delivering green recovery
The UK has made strong commitments to build back better from Covid-19, but recent hiccups raise questions over whether it can deliver on its pledges.

Dynamism and innovation in a post-subsidy renewables market
The investment landscape in renewables is fast adapting to a post-Covid, subsidy-free world, says Amanda Niklaus from advisory firm Pexapark.

India's plans for global solar domination
India has big plans to create a grid that could move solar power around the globe. But given its difficulties in transporting electricity at national level, experts remain sceptical the project will ever see the light of day.

Companies are struggling to address climate-related risks
Data from the European Investment Bank shows a substantial majority of companies feel unprepared for the challenges of climate change.

Brexit may tip the scales towards an EU nuclear phase-out
The UK was one of the strongest pro-nuclear voices in the EU. The loss of its large number of Council votes has left France without a strong ally and opened a path for Germany to block public funding for new nuclear plants.

Why a diverse workforce would benefit the clean energy transition
Diversity is not a zero-sum game. A more representative workforce will enable companies to better drive forward the clean energy transition and ensure it benefits all communities.

Why airports could become stranded assets
Hundreds of billions of dollars are being invested in expanding airports worldwide. Yet, there are serious doubts over the economic feasibility of these projects as the world transitions to clean energy.

Why Brexit made the energy transition a necessity for the UK
The UK government is promising a green industrial revolution. With Brexit slowing or even ending the imports and exports of certain products, some believe the country has no choice but to boost its local clean energy economy.

HeidelbergCement: Link net-zero goals to take-home pay
Board member Jon Morrish explains how the world’s number two cement maker intends to eliminate its CO2 emissions. Carbon capture, use and storage will be key.